Spanish for Legal Professionals: Spring Term 2025

Dates: January 28 - May 14, 2025

Location: Online Course

Class Term Fee (Online): $350.00

Deadline to enroll is January 15, 2025

Spanish for Legal Professionals
Our Spanish for Legal Professionals class aims to bridge the gap between law enforcement, legal services, and corrections and their Spanish speaking constituents. The course will help students develop fundamental Spanish language and culture skills within the context of emergency services and the law. No prior Spanish experience is needed. Upon successful completion of the course, participants will receive a certificate of completion.

Class Structure
The class will be taught as an asynchronous online class. Students will be able to complete weekly work and assignments at their leisure, and will also have the option to meet with the teacher via Zoom each week to practice pronunciation or ask questions. Work will not be graded in the traditional sense, but students will receive regular feedback.

How Can Our Class Help You?
We will study the basics of the language as well as necessary communication tools such as greetings, body and health vocabulary, ways to request common information needed in a legal or emergency setting, deescalating language, and more. Common legal issues facing the Latino community, such as immigration, Latinos as crime victims, domestic violence and machismo, Human and Drug Trafficking, and DUI's, will also be incorporated.


Refund Policy:

For all refunds, regardless of circumstance, there will be a $25.00 administration fee. Students may request a 100% refund (minus administration fee) if the drop date is before the first day of class. Any withdraws after this date will not receive a refund. To withdraw from a course, visit Continuing Education and Community Engagement at 75 TechnaCenter Drive, Montgomery, Alabama, 36117 and complete a Request to Withdraw Form.

Fee: $350.00

Online Course