Crisis Intervention and De-Escalation Training -Three Days- Montgomery

Dates: February 12-14, 2025

Meets: W, Th and F from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Location: Sheriff D.T. Marshall Firearms Training
6900 Janet Warner Road
Montgomery, AL 36108

APOST Hours: 20.00

Cost: $0.00

Sorry, we are no longer accepting registrations for this course. Please contact our office to find out if it will be rescheduled, or if alternative classes are available.

Course Description

Meets: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Law Enforcement Contact Hours: 20.00

Location: Sheriff D. T. Marshall Firearms Training Center
6900 Janet Warner Road
Montgomery, AL 36108

Who Should Attend: First Responders, Substance Abuse Counselors, Mental Health workers, Emergency Room personnel.

Course Overview:

Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) training is a critical part of Law Enforcement and first responder training, it's a collaboration of professionals committed to assisting people with behavioral health disorders, (mental illness, developmental disabilities, Alzheimer's disease, and addictive disease).

The CIT model is a form of community policing that improves law enforcement responses for people experiencing a behavioral health crisis. This training will equip first responders with the skills to recognize and assist people experiencing a behavioral health crisis, thereby advancing public safety, and reducing the stigma associated with mental health. This training will also increase the knowledge and ability of first responders to direct individuals experiencing a mental health crisis to appropriate services, this helps to increase safety for civilians and officers.

In addition to training, CIT programs build partnerships among Law Enforcement, Behavioral Health, hospitals, consumers, and family members thereby establishing a stronger, community-based behavioral health crisis response. Due to increased calls for service related to people in a mental health crisis, the ability to handle these types of incidences has been placed at the forefront of Law Enforcement and First Responder training. The most important aspect of the CIT training is to provide law enforcement officers with an effective and humane way to interact with people experiencing a mental health crisis. The 24-hour, three-day program includes a combination of classroom teaching and hands-on exercises overseen by mental health professionals, subject matter experts, and certified CIT instructors.

One key component is the Modern-Day Practical Approach to De-Escalation segment, which involves role-playing activities, access to the Axon Virtual Reality Community Engagement Experience, the Virtra De-Escalation simulator, and insights from consumers and family members. NAMI (Montgomery) (National Alliance on Mental Illness) and SAMHSA is supporting this 3-day training.

Topics covered include:
Signs and Symptoms of mental and substance use disorders
Psychiatric Medications
Suicide Risk Assessment
Modern Day Approach to De-Escalation Skills Training and role play
Auditory Hallucination training with Axon Virtual Reality
Virtra De-Escalation Simulator
Community Resources and more!

This training is sponsored by Montgomery County Sheriff's Office, (U. S. Department of Justice Grant). This training is funded by an ADECA Law Enforcement Planning subgrant #2025-DJ-02-16 awarded to AUM and its Alabama Crime Prevention Clearinghouse.

For more information on course marketing material and list of topics covered, email Sgt. Steven Wallace at: [email protected]
This training will begin at 8:00 a.m. and will end at 5:00 p.m.

Sgt. Steven Wallace (Class Coordinator) (MCSO-Training & Technology)
Dr. Scott Holmes (Department of Youth Services - Montgomery County Detention Facility)
Cpl. Nina Knapp (Montgomery County Sheriff's Office-Narcotics/Intelligence)
Cpl. Leslie Harrell (Montgomery County Sheriff's Office-CSI and Crisis Negotiations)
Lt. Kimberly Mims-Harris (Montgomery County Detention Facility)
Sgt. Michael Lane (Montgomery County Detention Facility)
Captain Searcy (Montgomery Fire Department)
Monica Harris (Montgomery County Community Corrections)
Shonda Williams (Drug Court Coordinator) (Montgomery County Community Corrections)
Jennie Tice - Training & Outreach Specialist (Family Sunshine Center)
Wendy Fuller - Community Education Manager (Crossbridge Behavioral Health- Baptist Health)
Lorainne with Recovery Organization of Support Specialists (R.O.S.S)


Cancellation Policy

**Online Self-Cancellation: You may now remove/cancel yourself from a class or waiting list online! Self-Cancellations online can only be completed up until two days prior to the start date of the class. Please log in to your account, click on Registration History, then Current Courses, and then you may choose the classes you need to cancel. If you need to cancel in less than two days prior, please contact our office at 334-244-3804 or [email protected].
No Shows: Most of our classes have waiting lists and we need to know ASAP if you are not able to attend. We are tracking all no shows (people who do not attend class and don’t notify us prior to the start of class).
Fee: $0.00

Sheriff D.T. Marshall Firearms Training

Date Day Time Location
02/12/2025Wednesday8 AM to 5 PM Sheriff D.T. Marshall Firearms Training
02/13/2025Thursday8 AM to 5 PM Sheriff D.T. Marshall Firearms Training
02/14/2025Friday8 AM to 10 AM Sheriff D.T. Marshall Firearms Training


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