Lunch Presentation: Poland: The Land Between, 1919 to 1945

Dates: March 12, 2025

Meets: W from 11:35 AM to 12:35 PM

Location: Center for Lifelong Learning 157-158

No Fee: $0.00

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Please note: This course requires membership in OLLI Membership Dues 2024-2025.

This presentation will give a brief overview of Poland’s complex and tortured history, with an emphasis on the 1939 invasion, the Second World War, and the extermination of large sections of the Polish population, as well as Europe’s Jews. The content is based on personal research, as well as an eye-opening two-week study tour of Poland sponsored by the National World War II Museum in the summer of 2024.

Presentor: Ann Linder
Fee: $0.00

Center for Lifelong Learning 157-158


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