Gems and Minerals for Making Jewelry

Dates: January 29 - March 12, 2025

Meets: W from 2:30 PM to 4:00 PM

Location: Center for Lifelong Learning 155

No Fee: $0.00

Please note: This course requires membership in OLLI Membership Dues 2024-2025 and 2025 OLLI Winter Term.

It sparkles. It glows with an inner beauty. What makes an ordinary rock worthy of becoming a jewel? This class will review the characteristics of stones and gems used to make jewelry. Instructors Albert and Sue Medina will review a host of gems and minerals—describing their mineralogy, characteristics, and uses. For most of the items discussed, examples will be shown—often as raw materials and also as mineral specimens and finished jewelry. Students completing this class will have a better understanding of the basic materials used for jewelry to help them become more informed shoppers.

Instructors: Albert and Sue Medina
Fee: $0.00

Center for Lifelong Learning 155


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