“I’ve heard that before”: Classical Music in Film, Television, and Commercials

Dates: January 28 - March 11, 2025

Meets: Tu from 2:30 PM to 4:00 PM

Location: Center for Lifelong Learning 155

No Fee: $0.00

Please note: This course requires membership in OLLI Membership Dues 2024-2025 and 2025 OLLI Winter Term.

Many peoples’ first (and sometimes only) exposure to classical music is in soundtracks to films, television shows, advertising, and – yes – cartoons. In this course, we will listen to those melodies both in their commercial setting and in their original context as classical music. No prior knowledge of music is required. You probably know all the tunes, anyway. Requests for music to study will be gladly accepted.

Instructor: Mark Benson
Fee: $0.00

Center for Lifelong Learning 155


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